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8th Annual TriState Health-System Pharmacy Summit

  • 10/02/2020
  • 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Early Bird rate applies if paid by Sept. 21st
  • Registration must be received by noon Sept. 30th
  • Early bird rate applies if paid by Sept. 21st
  • Registration must be received by noon Sept. 30th
  • Registration must be received by noon, Sept. 30th
  • Early Bird rate applies if paid by Sept. 21st
  • Registration must be received by noon, Sept. 30th.
  • You must specify the society in which you are a member when filling out the form.

We're sorry but registration closed at noon, 9/30.
We may be able to accommodate late registrants who email CSHP no later than 4 p.m., Oct. 1st

Featuring: 5 CE Credit Hours of Presentations

CLICK for a conference brochure

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in all practice settings, including hospital and community pharmacy, homecare, ambulatory care and clinical environments, managed care organizations, academia, industry and pharmaceutical benefit providers.

Please register on the web site of the state society in which you are a member or if not a member, on the web site of the state society in which you work. The Tri-States is co-sponsored by ...
Connecticut Society of Health-System Pharmacists and current pharmacist members of MA, ME, NH, VT or RI health-system societies Register Here
New Jersey Society of Health-System Pharmacists   www.njshp.org
New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists  

CSHP 888/506-3784  NJSHP 609-936-2205 NYSCHP 518-456-8819

Please note: Registrations must be received by noon, Wednesday, September 30th.

Note: When you select the appropriate registration category, the total due will adjust.

Early Bird by September 21st:
     CSHP, NJSHP, NYSCHP Member Pharmacists & Associates - $100
     Special for Pharmacist Members of NHSHP, VtSHP, MSHP (MA), MSHP (ME), RISHP -  $100 
     Non-member Pharmacists & Associates- $125
     Residents - $40; Students/Technicians - $20

After September 21st:
     Member Pharmacists & Associates - $120
     Special for Pharmacist Members of NHSHP, VtSHP, MSHP (MA), MSHP (ME), RISHP -
     Non-member Pharmacists & Associates - $140
Residents - $40; Students/Technicians - $30

VIRTUAL LOGIN INFORMATION: Virtual attendees will be utilizing an online platform. Instructions for virtual attendance will be sent to registrants via email by Thursday, October 1, 2020.

The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists (NYSCHP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. The CE evaluations process is on line through surveys that will be emailed out after the program. Attendance is verified by a CE code provided at the program. You will have 45 days to complete these surveys. It will take up to 60 days for the credits to be uploaded to MY CPE Monitor.

NOTE: Payments to the Tri-State sponsors are not deductible as charitable contributions but may be deductible as ordinary business expenses. Please speak with your tax advisor.
If you need special accommodations (per ADA) to enjoy this event, please contact the CSHP, NJSHP or NYSCHP by 9/3/19.

Saturday, October 3, 2020
10 - 11:30 a.m. Virtual

Registration is complimentary for CSHP, NYHSCHP and NJSHP Student and Resident members.
Non-members: $10 for students; $15 for residents
More details will be available soon.

About CSHP

Since 1948, the Connecticut Society of Health-System Pharmacists has represented the professional interests and provided professional development for CT pharmacists, educators and pharmacists in training.


c/o Impact Association Management 

1502 W Broadway, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53713

Email: office@cshponline.org

Phone: 203-489-9861

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